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Template:Page security extension disclaimer

MediaWiki extensions manual
Release status: stable
Implementation User rights
Description Restrict permissions by category and group
Author(s) Sophivorustalk
Database changes No
License No license specified
Example [1]
Quarterly downloads Lua error in Module:Extension at line 171: bad argument #1 to 'inNamespace' (unrecognized namespace name 'skin').
Public wikis using Lua error in Module:Extension at line 171: bad argument #1 to 'inNamespace' (unrecognized namespace name 'skin').
Translate the Extension:CategoryLockdown extension if it is available at translatewiki.net

The CategoryLockdown extension allows admins to restrict permissions by category and group.


  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/Extension:CategoryLockdown</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>Extension:CategoryLockdown</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    wfLoadExtension( 'Extension:CategoryLockdown' );
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>


To restrict the 'read' permission of the Category:Maintenance and its pages to the 'sysop' group only (admins), add the following to your LocalSettings.php:

$wgCategoryLockdown['Maintenance']['read'] = 'sysop';

Similarly, to restrict the 'edit' permission of the Category:Sales and its pages to the 'vendor' group:

$wgCategoryLockdown['Sales']['edit'] = 'vendor';

To restrict editing to users in the 'vendor' OR 'manager' groups:

$wgCategoryLockdown['Sales']['edit'] = [ 'vendor', 'manager' ];

Note that pages in subcategories are not affected. If Category:Clients is a subcategory of Category:Sales, then pages within it won't be protected by the above setting. You'd need to add:

$wgCategoryLockdown['Clients']['edit'] = [ 'vendor', 'manager' ];

Also note that if a page is in the Category:Sales and the Category:Clients, then the following will restrict editing to users in the 'vendor' OR 'manager' groups:

$wgCategoryLockdown['Sales']['edit'] = 'vendor',
$wgCategoryLockdown['Clients']['edit'] = 'manager';

Finally, note that:

  • Rules don't apply to admins.
  • You can use this syntax to restrict any permission (not just 'read' and 'edit'). However, if users are allowed to read and edit a page, then they can avoid other restrictions by re-categorizing the page.
  • This extension only removes permissions, it doesn't grant them. If the general config of your wiki forbids editing to all users, then adding a rule that restricts editing to a certain group won't work. Instead, allow editing to all users and then use this extension to restrict editing to the desired group.

See also