![]() | This template employs intricate features of template syntax.
You are encouraged to familiarize yourself with its setup and parser functions before editing the template. If your edit causes unexpected problems, please undo it quickly, as this template may appear on a large number of pages. Remember that you can conduct experiments, and should test all improvements, in either the general sandbox or your user space before changing anything here. |
![]() | Uses Lua: |
![]() | This template uses TemplateStyles: |
Ezt a sablont az összes kiterjesztéslapon el kell helyezni ezen a wikin (de csak a főlapokon). Megjelenít egy hasznos infoboxot (lásd alább), és automatikusan hozzáadja a kiterjesztést a Category:All extensions kategóriához, valamint a megfelelő állapot- és megvalósítástípus-kategóriákhoz .
Másold és illeszd be: {{Extension |templatemode = |name = |status = |type1 = |type2 = |hook1 = |hook2 = |newhook1 = |newhook2 = |username = |author = |description = |image = |imagesize = |version = |update = |version preview = |update preview = |compatibility policy = |mediawiki = |php = |needs-updatephp = |composer = |table1 = |table2 = |license = |download = |repo = |readme = |changelog = |help = |example = |namespace = |parameters = |tags = |rights = |compatibility = |phabricator = |translate = |vagrant-role = }}A paraméterek értékeivel kapcsolatos segítséget lásd alább. |
Tartalmi paraméterek
Ez a szakasz az infobox tartalmát szabályozó paramétereket dokumentálja. A templatemode paraméterrel és más vezérlőparaméterekkel kapcsolatos segítségért lásd a Vezérlőparaméterek szakaszt.
Paraméter | Leírás |
name | a kiterjesztés neve |
status |
jelenlegi kiadási állapot Ezek egyike:
If the status is anything other than the above, it will be ignored and the default value of 'Unknown' will be displayed in the template instead. In cases where the value is omitted, it will be categorized as unknown. In cases where the value is invalid, it will be placed in a special category so that the error can be caught and fixed. |
type1 type2 type3 type4 type5 type6 | megvalósítási típus
The implementation strategy(s) employed in building this extension. This parameter is used to create categories that help programmers find examples of various MediaWiki specific implementation strategies or patterns. Although the values of this parameter sometimes coincide with the use case or purpose of an extension, that is not reason for this parameter. If the values you have chosen for this parameter do not adequately identify the purpose or possible use cases, we recommend you add additional category links as needed. Allowed values for the type1, type2, ... parameters are:
Any other value for 'type' is invalid, and will cause the extension to be placed in Category:Extensions with invalid or missing type/hu. Note: Many extensions have more than one type, if this applies to yours, replace|type= with |type1=|type2=|type3=... . You may define up to six types for an extension. |
hook1 hook2 hook3 hook4 ... |
name of each hook used by the extension
Entering values in this field is a good way to get exposure for your extension and help other developers. Each documented hook will automatically add the extension to a category listing extensions that use that hook. This category is autolinked to each hook page so that programmers can easily find examples of extensions that use a particular hook. For built-in hooks:
For custom hooks defined by extensions:
For multiple hooks, assign the first hook to hook1, the second to hook2 and so on. |
newhook1 newhook2 newhook3 newhook4 ... newhook90 |
name of each hook provided by the extension You might also want to add the hooks to Extension hook registry. |
username | A szerző felhasználóneve a MediaWiki.org oldalon (ha van). Elhagyható, de ha meg van adva, az infobox hivatkozni fog a szerző szerkesztői és szerkesztővitalapjára. Névtér és [[]] nélkül kell megadni. |
A kiterjesztés szerzőjének neve, ha különbözik a MediaWiki.org-felhasználónevétől. Szabad szöveg. Ha nincs megadva, a „username” mező jelenik meg helyette (ha az meg van adva). | |
description | rövid leírás |
image | A kiterjesztés képernyőképe vagy logója. Névtér és [[]] nélkül kell megadni. |
imagesize | opcionális, a kép mérete (alapértelmezetten 220px) |
version | legfrissebb verzió |
update | a legutóbbi frissítés dátuma |
version preview | preview version |
update preview | date of the last update to the preview version |
compatibility policy | kompatibilitási irányelv (lehetséges értékek: master, rel és ltsrel) (backlog ) |
mediawiki | szükséges MediaWiki-verzió Most extensions should not need to use this — it defaults to the value of the 'requires' property of extension.json. See also Category:Extensions without MediaWiki version and Category:Extensions with manual MediaWiki version. |
php | szükséges PHP-verzió |
needs-updatephp |
Extensions which conform to MediaWiki extension standards come with a schema change script which you need to start manually (once) before starting and accessing the MediaWiki through your browser, and after you copied all the extension files to
1>$IP </> stands for the Installation Path (or "directory") of your MediaWiki installation, the same directory that holds <tvar |
composer | The extension's Composer package name, in the standard format. It will be automatically included if set in an extension's "composer.json" file (i.e. this parameter is not required in that case). It will be linked to the extension's page on Packagist. |
table1 table2 table3 table4 ... table30 | name of each non-core table used by the extension Links to a subpage of your extension page. For instance, "table1 = cu_changes" at Extension:CheckUser will link to Extension:CheckUser/cu_changes table . Don't list core tables such as page or revision ; only list tables that are added by extensions. |
license | license governing use of this extension, as one of the codes found in https://spdx.org/licenses/, e.g. GPL-2.0-or-later , GPL-2.0-only or GPL-3.0-or-later , etc. |
download | link to the download : Git, {{WikimediaDownload/hu}}. |
repo | Name of the Gerrit repository the extension's code is stored in, if different from the page name. Setting this automatically sets |download= , and allows the template to automatically load data from the appropriate extension.json file. |
readme | external link to the readme file, e.g. https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/r/browse/mediawiki/extensions/Flow;master;README |
changelog | external link to the changelog file, e.g. Extension:XGlossary/Changelog |
help | Link to user-help for the extension. If not provided, will look for Help:Extension:ExtensionName . If provided, full wikitext link should be given (because you may want to link to e.g. an external page). |
example | example, website or screenshot of working extension |
namespace | namespace in which this extension is used |
parameters | available parameters for LocalSettings.php |
any tags your extension uses (e.g. <tag1>, <tag2>). | |
rights | rights added by the extension. Not to be confused with the license! Rights are such as makebot or desysop , not such as GFDL or LGPL or GPL - those are licenses! |
compatibility | Additional compatibility information, for instance compatibility charts. It's encouraged to add any client-side compatibility information here too, especially when diverging from expectations of full support for a browser. |
bugzilla | Bugzilla MediaWiki extension component name |
phabricator | Phabricator project name |
translate |
Optional parameter to link the exact page where (message group id with which) the extension will be translatable on translatewiki.net if enabled. If the default link is incorrect, manually set it to:
vagrant-role | MediaWiki-Vagrant role |
CheckUsageNameOverride | override the page name used for the check usage link. |
Paraméter | Leírás |
templatemode |
Controls auto-categorization of host page. Normally left blank. Alternate values are:
Az infobox használata
Létező kiterjesztéslapok
Ha szeretnéd hozzáadni az infoboxot egy létező laphoz, másold bele a kódot a lap tetejéről.
Új kiterjesztéscikk létrehozása
Ha szeretnél létrehozni egy új kiterjesztéslapot, írd be a nevét alább, és kattints a gombra. Ez létrehoz egy új lapot, ami már eleve tartalmazza az infoboxot.
type=create width=40 placeholder=<translate nowrap> Enter your extension's name here</translate> prefix=Extension: preload=Template:Extension/Sample buttonlabel=Létrehozás
</inputbox><translate> A developer sharing their code in the MediaWiki code repository should expect:</translate>
- <translate> Feedback / Criticism / Code reviews</translate>
- <translate> Review and comments by other developers on things like [<tvar
A sablon fejlesztése
Ha szeretnéd továbbfejleszteni a sablont, köszönjük! Ez egy bonyolult sablon, úgyhogy itt van némi segítség hozzá:
A Kiterjesztés létrehozása gomb
A kiterjesztés-létrehozó mód fejlesztéséhez:
- Template:Extension/Sample : The boilerplate extension that is preloaded into newly-created pages.
- Template:Extension/CreateExtensionInputBox : An input box that can be inserted wherever you want users to easily create extensions. For documentation on the
tag, please see Extension:InputBox .
Infobox parameters
In general:
- To make this template easy to use, each label in the infobox is linked to documentation on the template parameter(s) it displays. If you add a parameter, please be sure to also add it to the content parameter documentation and link its label to that documentation.
To change/correct/add to the implementation type parameters:
- Check the talk page - there have been some extensive discussions about this field.
- The valid types and what they link to are defined at Module:Extension
To change the behavior of the hook parameters:
- Template:Extension/HookInUse: Adds links and categories for a hook in use. Multiple hooks in use are implemented by calling this template with Template:Foreach.
- Template:Extension/HookInUseNoCats: Used instead of Template:Extension/HookInUse when this template is used in
. Templates used with Template:Foreach can only take one parameter so we need to wrap the call to Template:Extension/HookInUse with another template that sets the mode.
Test case
See if the following pages are still ok, after edited this template.
TemplateData | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
· <span style="" title="<translate nowrap> Edit this template</translate>"><translate> edit</translate>]
This is the TemplateData documentation for this template used by VisualEditor and other tools. Extension An infobox for a MediaWiki extension.
Maintenance: vulnerabilities, archived
- Pages with script errors
- Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls
- Lua-based templates
- Templates using TemplateStyles/hu
- Extensions with manual MediaWiki version
- Extensions supporting Composer/hu
- Templates using TemplateData/hu
- Info templates/hu
- Extension creation/hu
- Categorizing templates/hu
- Extension templates/hu
- Template documentation pages/hu
- Infobox templates/hu