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  • 파일을 다운로드하고 ExtensionInstall 폴더를 extensions/ 디렉토리에 넣어 주세요.
  • 아래의 코드를 $LocalSettings의 말미에 추가합니다:
    require_once "$IP/extensions/ExtensionInstall/ExtensionInstall.php";
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – 위키의 ‘Special:Version’에 이동해서, 확장기능이 올바르게 설치된 것을 확인합니다.
Template documentation


Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers inline formatting of parameters.

Extension name1

Set the extension name manually.

The current page name without namespace prefix.
Auto value
Vagrant role namevagrant

If given, shows how to install extension with the Vagrant's enable-role command

Auto value
Download linkdownload-link

Overwrite the download link.

Link to Special:ExtensionDistributor with the extension name.
LocalSettings earlylocalsettingsearly

Pass custom php code that the user should include in [[LocalSettings.php]] before the extension is loaded.

$wgUseAjax = true; //must be included before the extension is loaded

Pass custom php code that the user should include in [[LocalSettings.php]].

$wgUseAjax = true;
Database updatedb-update

If the extension has one or more database tables that need to be created through [[update.php]], set this parameter to any value.


If the extension uses [[Composer]] to manage dependencies, set this parameter to any value.

Custom steps 0custom-steps0

Additional steps before download, e.g. other required extensions (as an unordered "* list")

Custom stepscustom-steps

Additional steps (as an unordered "* list")

Supports registrationregistration

Changes the template to use <code>wfLoadExtension()</code> if it supports registration. Set to any value if the extension supports registration, or to <code>required</code> if it <em>only</em> supports registration and doesn't support the old-style of loading.

No registration versionno-registration-version

The MediaWiki version for which extension registration should not be used



아래에는 이 틀을 사용하는 방법에 관한 몇 가지 예제가 있습니다:


  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>


  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/CategoryTree</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>CategoryTree</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    require_once "$IP/extensions/CategoryTree/CategoryTree.php";
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

다운로드 링크

|download-link=[http://bits.wikimedia.org/example.zip Download]
  • <translate> <tvar name=1>Download</tvar> and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>


$wgUseAjax = true;
  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";
    $wgUseAjax = true;
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

LocalSettings early

$wgUseAjax = true; // this must be included before the extension is loaded
  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    $wgUseAjax = true; // this must be included before the extension is loaded
    require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

DB 업데이트

  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";
  • <translate> Run the [[<tvar name=update>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Update.php</tvar>|update script]] which will automatically create the necessary database tables that this extension needs.</translate>
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>


  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Only when installing from Git, run <tvar name=composer>Composer</tvar> to install PHP dependencies, by issuing <tvar name=code>composer install --no-dev</tvar> in the extension directory.</translate> <translate> (See <tvar name=phab><translate> task <tvar name=1>T173141</tvar></translate></tvar> for potential complications.)</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

사용자 지정 단계

* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
* Foo bar baz quux [[sandbox]]
  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Foo bar baz quux sandbox
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

지원 등록

  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    wfLoadExtension( 'MyExtension' );
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

<translate> To users running MediaWiki <tvar name=1>1.24</tvar> or earlier: </translate>

<translate> The instructions above describe the new way of installing this extension using <tvar name=LoadExtension>wfLoadExtension()</tvar>.</translate> <translate> If you need to install this extension on these earlier versions (MediaWiki <tvar name=1>1.24</tvar> and earlier), instead of <tvar name=code>wfLoadExtension( 'MyExtension' );</tvar>, you need to use:</translate>

require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";

권장되는 등록 미디어위키 버전 설정

  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    wfLoadExtension( 'MyExtension' );
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

<translate> To users running MediaWiki <tvar name=1>1.25</tvar> or earlier: </translate>

<translate> The instructions above describe the new way of installing this extension using <tvar name=LoadExtension>wfLoadExtension()</tvar>.</translate> <translate> If you need to install this extension on these earlier versions (MediaWiki <tvar name=1>1.25</tvar> and earlier), instead of <tvar name=code>wfLoadExtension( 'MyExtension' );</tvar>, you need to use:</translate>

require_once "$IP/extensions/MyExtension/MyExtension.php";

등록 욕구

  • <translate> [[<tvar name=2>Special:ExtensionDistributor/MyExtension</tvar>|Download]] and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>MyExtension</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    wfLoadExtension( 'MyExtension' );
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

모든 것

|download-link=[http://bits.wikimedia.org/example.zip Download]
$wgUseAjax = true;

* Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
* Foo bar baz quux [[sandbox]]
  • <translate> <tvar name=1>Download</tvar> and place the file(s) in a directory called <tvar name=name>Example</tvar> in your <tvar name=ext>extensions/</tvar> folder.</translate>
  • <translate> Only when installing from Git, run <tvar name=composer>Composer</tvar> to install PHP dependencies, by issuing <tvar name=code>composer install --no-dev</tvar> in the extension directory.</translate> <translate> (See <tvar name=phab><translate> task <tvar name=1>T173141</tvar></translate></tvar> for potential complications.)</translate>
  • <translate> Add the following code at the bottom of your <tvar name=1>LocalSettings.php </tvar>:</translate>
    wfLoadExtension( 'Example' );
    $wgUseAjax = true;
  • <translate> Run the [[<tvar name=update>Special:MyLanguage/Manual:Update.php</tvar>|update script]] which will automatically create the necessary database tables that this extension needs.</translate>
  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet
  • Foo bar baz quux sandbox
  • Yes <translate> Done</translate> – <translate> Navigate to <tvar name=special>Special:Version</tvar> on your wiki to verify that the extension is successfully installed.</translate>

<translate> To users running MediaWiki <tvar name=1>1.24</tvar> or earlier: </translate>

<translate> The instructions above describe the new way of installing this extension using <tvar name=LoadExtension>wfLoadExtension()</tvar>.</translate> <translate> If you need to install this extension on these earlier versions (MediaWiki <tvar name=1>1.24</tvar> and earlier), instead of <tvar name=code>wfLoadExtension( 'Example' );</tvar>, you need to use:</translate>

require_once "$IP/extensions/Example/Example.php";

<translate> Vagrant installation:</translate>

  • <translate> If using <tvar name=vagrant>Vagrant </tvar>, install with <tvar name=code>vagrant roles enable example --provision</tvar></translate>