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Testing sandbox version

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

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, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

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// Draw title at the top of the graph

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See or edit raw graph data.

Log scaled

With |replaceZerosWith=1

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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See or edit raw graph data.

Without |replaceZerosWith=

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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   "url": "tabular:///COVID-19 cases in Tamil Nadu.tab",
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See or edit raw graph data.

Testing main template

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

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// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

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// Draw title at the top of the graph

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See or edit raw graph data.

Testing for inverted y-axis

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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"padding": "strict",

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     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":


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, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["New_Zealand", "Australia"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


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   "url": "tabular:///Men's World Rugby rankings.tab",
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// Draw title at the top of the graph

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See or edit raw graph data.

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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"padding": "strict",

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 "data": [{
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   "url": "tabular:///Men's World Rugby rankings.tab",
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     , "property": "data"
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     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":


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// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///Men's World Rugby rankings.tab",
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// Draw title at the top of the graph

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See or edit raw graph data.

Test dataset optional filtering (e.g. for limiting x-axis displayed range)

without filtering (default width)

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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   "transform": [

     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
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         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

filter = 1995 <= datum.year && datum.year <= 2002

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

// Optionally filter data with an template expression parameter

     // e.g. `filter = datum.some_dataset_field > 1900 && datum.some_dataset_field < 2000` where `some_dataset_field` means some valid field of displayed dataset
     { "type": "filter", "test": "1995 <= datum.year && datum.year <= 2002" },
     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
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     "name": "labels",
     "type": "ordinal",

"domain": {"data": "labels", "field": "name"},

     "range": {"data": "labels", "field": "title"},

"legends": [{

   "fill": "color",
   "stroke": "color",

"title": "Age group", "properties": { "labels": { "text": {"scale": "labels", "field": "data"} } }

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       "labels": { 
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// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "y": {"value": -15},

"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

         "text": {"value": "Gender pay gap in the United States"},
         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

filter = datum.year <= 2002

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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   "format": {"type": "json"
     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

// Optionally filter data with an template expression parameter

     // e.g. `filter = datum.some_dataset_field > 1900 && datum.some_dataset_field < 2000` where `some_dataset_field` means some valid field of displayed dataset
     { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.year <= 2002" },
     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


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     "zero": false,
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     "range": "category10", 
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "key"}


     "name": "labels",
     "type": "ordinal",

"domain": {"data": "labels", "field": "name"},

     "range": {"data": "labels", "field": "title"},

"legends": [{

   "fill": "color",
   "stroke": "color",

"title": "Age group", "properties": { "labels": { "text": {"scale": "labels", "field": "data"} } }

 "axes": [
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     "ticks": 7,
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       "labels": { 
     "scale": "y", "type": "y", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "title": "Percentage",
     "grid": true,
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
 "marks": [
   // Group data by the group parameter or "key", and draw lines, one line per group
     "type": "group",
     "from": {
       "data": "chart",
       "transform": [{"type": "facet", "groupby": ["key"]}]
     "marks": [
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             "stroke": {"scale": "color", "field": "key"},
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// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "y": {"value": -15},

"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

         "text": {"value": "Gender pay gap in the United States"},
         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

Test optional arbitrary ("raw") data transforms

dataTransforms = { "type": "filter", ... }, { "type": "filter", ... }

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
 "version": 2,
 "width": 500,
 "height": 300,

"padding": "strict",

 "signals": [{"name": "rightwidth", "expr": "width + padding.right", "init":"500"}],
 "data": [{
   "name": "chart",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json"
     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

// chart data custom transforms

     { "type": "filter", "test": "1995 <= datum.year" },
     { "type": "filter", "test": "datum.year <= 2002" },
     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


 "scales": [
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     "type": "time",
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "_xfield"},
     "range": "width",

     "name": "y",
     "type": "linear",
     "range": "height",
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "_yfield"},
     "zero": false,
     "domainMax": 100,
     "name": "color",
     "type": "ordinal",
     "range": "category10", 
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "key"}


     "name": "labels",
     "type": "ordinal",

"domain": {"data": "labels", "field": "name"},

     "range": {"data": "labels", "field": "title"},

"legends": [{

   "fill": "color",
   "stroke": "color",

"title": "Age group", "properties": { "labels": { "text": {"scale": "labels", "field": "data"} } }

 "axes": [
     "scale": "x", "type": "x", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "ticks": 7,
     "title": "Year",
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
     "scale": "y", "type": "y", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "title": "Percentage",
     "grid": true,
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
 "marks": [
   // Group data by the group parameter or "key", and draw lines, one line per group
     "type": "group",
     "from": {
       "data": "chart",
       "transform": [{"type": "facet", "groupby": ["key"]}]
     "marks": [
         "type": "line",
         "properties": {
           "hover": {
             "stroke": {"value": "red"}
           "update": {
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           "enter": {
             "y": {"scale": "y", "field": "_yfield"},
             "x": {"scale": "x", "field": "_xfield"},
             "stroke": {"scale": "color", "field": "key"},
             "interpolate": {"value": "linear"},
             "strokeWidth": {"value": 2.5}

// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "y": {"value": -15},

"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

         "text": {"value": "Gender pay gap in the United States"},
         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

Test chart sizing (enabling/disabling chart width grows)

without explicit `chartSizing` (default chart sizing model)

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
 "version": 2,
 "width": 500,
 "height": 300,

"padding": "strict",

 "signals": [{"name": "rightwidth", "expr": "width + padding.right", "init":"500"}],
 "data": [{
   "name": "chart",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json"
     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


 "scales": [
     "name": "x",
     "type": "time",
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "_xfield"},
     "range": "width",

     "name": "y",
     "type": "linear",
     "range": "height",
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "_yfield"},
     "zero": false,
     "domainMax": 100,
     "name": "color",
     "type": "ordinal",
     "range": "category10", 
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "key"}


     "name": "labels",
     "type": "ordinal",

"domain": {"data": "labels", "field": "name"},

     "range": {"data": "labels", "field": "title"},

"legends": [{

   "fill": "color",
   "stroke": "color",

"title": "Age group", "properties": { "labels": { "text": {"scale": "labels", "field": "data"} } }

 "axes": [
     "scale": "x", "type": "x", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "ticks": 7,
     "title": "Year",
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
     "scale": "y", "type": "y", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "title": "Percentage",
     "grid": true,
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
 "marks": [
   // Group data by the group parameter or "key", and draw lines, one line per group
     "type": "group",
     "from": {
       "data": "chart",
       "transform": [{"type": "facet", "groupby": ["key"]}]
     "marks": [
         "type": "line",
         "properties": {
           "hover": {
             "stroke": {"value": "red"}
           "update": {
             "stroke": {"scale": "color", "field": "key"}
           "enter": {
             "y": {"scale": "y", "field": "_yfield"},
             "x": {"scale": "x", "field": "_xfield"},
             "stroke": {"scale": "color", "field": "key"},
             "interpolate": {"value": "linear"},
             "strokeWidth": {"value": 2.5}

// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "y": {"value": -15},

"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

         "text": {"value": "Gender pay gap in the United States"},
         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

chartSizing=fit | chartSizing=padding-box

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
 "version": 2,
 "width": 500,
 "height": 300,

"padding": "strict",

 "signals": [{"name": "rightwidth", "expr": "width + padding.right", "init":"500"}],
 "data": [{
   "name": "chart",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json"
     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


 "scales": [
     "name": "x",
     "type": "time",
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "_xfield"},
     "range": "width",

     "name": "y",
     "type": "linear",
     "range": "height",
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "_yfield"},
     "zero": false,
     "domainMax": 100,
     "name": "color",
     "type": "ordinal",
     "range": "category10", 
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "key"}


     "name": "labels",
     "type": "ordinal",

"domain": {"data": "labels", "field": "name"},

     "range": {"data": "labels", "field": "title"},

"legends": [{

   "fill": "color",
   "stroke": "color",

"title": "Age group", "properties": { "labels": { "text": {"scale": "labels", "field": "data"} } }

 "axes": [
     "scale": "x", "type": "x", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "ticks": 7,
     "title": "Year",
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
     "scale": "y", "type": "y", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "title": "Percentage",
     "grid": true,
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
 "marks": [
   // Group data by the group parameter or "key", and draw lines, one line per group
     "type": "group",
     "from": {
       "data": "chart",
       "transform": [{"type": "facet", "groupby": ["key"]}]
     "marks": [
         "type": "line",
         "properties": {
           "hover": {
             "stroke": {"value": "red"}
           "update": {
             "stroke": {"scale": "color", "field": "key"}
           "enter": {
             "y": {"scale": "y", "field": "_yfield"},
             "x": {"scale": "x", "field": "_xfield"},
             "stroke": {"scale": "color", "field": "key"},
             "interpolate": {"value": "linear"},
             "strokeWidth": {"value": 2.5}

// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "y": {"value": -15},

"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

         "text": {"value": "Gender pay gap in the United States"},
         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
 "version": 2,
 "width": 500,
 "height": 300,

"padding": "strict",

 "signals": [{"name": "rightwidth", "expr": "width + padding.right", "init":"500"}],
 "data": [{
   "name": "chart",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json"
     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


 "scales": [
     "name": "x",
     "type": "time",
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "_xfield"},
     "range": "width",

     "name": "y",
     "type": "linear",
     "range": "height",
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "_yfield"},
     "zero": false,
     "domainMax": 100,
     "name": "color",
     "type": "ordinal",
     "range": "category10", 
     "domain": {"data": "chart", "field": "key"}


     "name": "labels",
     "type": "ordinal",

"domain": {"data": "labels", "field": "name"},

     "range": {"data": "labels", "field": "title"},

"legends": [{

   "fill": "color",
   "stroke": "color",

"title": "Age group (with long long legend)", "properties": { "labels": { "text": {"scale": "labels", "field": "data"} } }

 "axes": [
     "scale": "x", "type": "x", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "ticks": 7,
     "title": "Year",
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
     "scale": "y", "type": "y", "tickSizeEnd": 0,
     "title": "Percentage",
     "grid": true,
     "properties": { 
       "labels": { 
 "marks": [
   // Group data by the group parameter or "key", and draw lines, one line per group
     "type": "group",
     "from": {
       "data": "chart",
       "transform": [{"type": "facet", "groupby": ["key"]}]
     "marks": [
         "type": "line",
         "properties": {
           "hover": {
             "stroke": {"value": "red"}
           "update": {
             "stroke": {"scale": "color", "field": "key"}
           "enter": {
             "y": {"scale": "y", "field": "_yfield"},
             "x": {"scale": "x", "field": "_xfield"},
             "stroke": {"scale": "color", "field": "key"},
             "interpolate": {"value": "linear"},
             "strokeWidth": {"value": 2.5}

// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "y": {"value": -15},

"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

         "text": {"value": "Gender pay gap in the United States"},
         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

chartSizing=pad | chartSizing=content-box

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
 "version": 2,
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 "height": 300,

"padding": "auto",

 "signals": [{"name": "rightwidth", "expr": "width + padding.right", "init":"500"}],
 "data": [{
   "name": "chart",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json"
     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

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See or edit raw graph data.

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See or edit raw graph data.

Test chart title positioning

default chart title positioning | default chart sizing mode

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 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

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 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

default chart title positioning | chartSizing=pad | xMin=1982 | xMax=2002 | xAxisClamp=false

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 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.


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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

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 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.


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See or edit raw graph data.

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 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.


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 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
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See or edit raw graph data.

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

titleXAlign=center | titleXOffset=80

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

Test axis domain min/max values values + clamping

It is possible to extend axis scales. And it is possible to shrink axis scale by manually providing scale domain min/max values, however without having "clamp":true it will not crop data plotting itself, but only affect axis positioning on graph, while adding "clamp":true actually applies data plotting cropping.


xAxisMin=1994 | xAxisMax=2020 | yAxisMax=120 | yAxisMin=20 | yZero=false

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 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

xMin=1982 | xMax=2002 | yAxisMin=60 | yAxisMax=90| (without clamping)

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 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

xMin=1982 | xMax=2002 | yAxisMin=60 | yAxisMax=90| xAxisClamp=true | yAxisClamp=true

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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See or edit raw graph data.

Test axis marks font size, angle + test legend labels transform

xAxisAngle = -25 | xAxisFontSize = 20 | yAxisAngle = 25 | yAxisFontSize = 20 | labelsTransforms = { ... }

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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// Optionally filter data with an template expression parameter

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See or edit raw graph data.

Test annotations


hAnnotationsValues = {"text": "v 92.5", "y": 92.5} | vAnnotationsValues = {"text": "v 93", "x": 1983}

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 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
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"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


// Each vertical annotation is expected to be x-scale typed `x`, string `text`,

   // and optional string `color` (e.g. "#4d2800")
     "name": "vAnnotations",
     "values": [{"text": "v 93", "x": 1983}],
     "transform": [

// in case of `type=year` convert year number to UNIX timestamp

       {"type": "formula", "field": "x", "expr": "datetime(datum.x, 0, 1)"},
       // expected item format `{"text": "...", "color": "#000", x: _ }`
       { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "datum.text || " },
       { "type": "formula", "field": "color", "expr": "datum.color || '#54595d'" }

// Each horizontal annotation is expected to be numeric `y`, string `text`,

   // and optional string `color` (e.g. "#4d2800")
     "name": "hAnnotations",
     "values": [{"text": "v 92.5", "y": 92.5}],
     "transform": [
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       { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "datum.text || " },
       { "type": "formula", "field": "color", "expr": "datum.color || '#54595d'" }
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"legends": [{

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"title": "Age group", "properties": { "labels": { "text": {"scale": "labels", "field": "data"} } }

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     "properties": { 
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 "marks": [
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// vertical annotations dashed line

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     "from": {"data": "vAnnotations"}
   // vertical annotations text
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     "properties": {
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         "opacity": {"value": 0.75},
         "fill": {"field": "color"}
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// horizontal annotations dashed line

     "type": "rule",
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     "properties": {
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// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
         "y": {"value": -15},

"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

         "text": {"value": "Gender pay gap in the United States"},
         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

hAnnotationsTable = ... | hAnnotationsTransforms = ... | vAnnotationsTable = ... | vAnnotationsTransforms = ...

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":

"datetime(datum.year, 0, 1)"

     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


// Each vertical annotation is expected to be x-scale typed `x`, string `text`,

   // and optional string `color` (e.g. "#4d2800")
     "name": "vAnnotations",
     "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
       "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data"},
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  { "type": "formula", "field": "x", "expr": "datum.year" },
  { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "'v ' + datum.age_16_24+ ' ' + datum.year" },

// in case of `type=year` convert year number to UNIX timestamp

       {"type": "formula", "field": "x", "expr": "datetime(datum.x, 0, 1)"},
       // expected item format `{"text": "...", "color": "#000", x: _ }`
       { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "datum.text || " },
       { "type": "formula", "field": "color", "expr": "datum.color || '#54595d'" }

// Each horizontal annotation is expected to be numeric `y`, string `text`,

   // and optional string `color` (e.g. "#4d2800")
     "name": "hAnnotations",
     "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
       "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data"},
     "transform": [
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  { "type": "formula", "field": "y", "expr": "datum.age_16_24" },
  { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "'v ' + datum.age_16_24+ ' ' + datum.year" },
       // expected item format `{"text": "...", "color": "#000", y: 0}`
       { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "datum.text || " },
       { "type": "formula", "field": "color", "expr": "datum.color || '#54595d'" }
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"legends": [{

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   "stroke": "color",

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// vertical annotations dashed line

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// horizontal annotations dashed line

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// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
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"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

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         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.


hAnnotationsValues = {"text": "v 92.5", "y": 92.5} | vAnnotationsValues = {"text": "v 93", "x": 1983}

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":


     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


// Each vertical annotation is expected to be x-scale typed `x`, string `text`,

   // and optional string `color` (e.g. "#4d2800")
     "name": "vAnnotations",
     "values": [{"text": "v 93", "x": 1983}],
     "transform": [

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       { "type": "formula", "field": "color", "expr": "datum.color || '#54595d'" }

// Each horizontal annotation is expected to be numeric `y`, string `text`,

   // and optional string `color` (e.g. "#4d2800")
     "name": "hAnnotations",
     "values": [{"text": "v 92.5", "y": 92.5}],
     "transform": [
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 "marks": [
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// vertical annotations dashed line

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// horizontal annotations dashed line

     "type": "rule",
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     "properties": {
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// Draw title at the top of the graph

     "type": "text",
     "properties": {
       "enter": {
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"x": {"signal": "rightwidth", "mult": 0.5, "offset": 0 },

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         "fontWeight": {"value": "bold"},
         "align": {"value": "center"},
         "baseline": {"value": "bottom"},
         "fill": {"value": "#000"}

} </graph>

See or edit raw graph data.

hAnnotationsTable = ... | hAnnotationsTransforms = ... | vAnnotationsTable = ... | vAnnotationsTransforms = ...

<graph> {

 // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template:Graph:Lines
 //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
 //            Suggestions can be made at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Template_talk:Graph:Lines
 // Template translation is in https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Data:Original/Template:Graphs.tab
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 "signals": [{"name": "rightwidth", "expr": "width + padding.right", "init":"640"}],
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   "format": {"type": "json"
     , "property": "data"
   "transform": [

     // Convert xField parameter into a field "_xfield"
     {"type": "formula", "field": "_xfield", "expr":


     , {"type": "sort", "by": ["_xfield"]}

, {"type": "fold", "fields": ["age_16_24", "age_25_34", "age_35_44", "age_45_54"]} , {"type": "formula", "field": "_yfield", "expr": "datum.value" }


// source of labels for `tabletype=tab`

   "name": "labels",
   "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
   "format": {"type": "json", "property": "fields"},
   "transform": [


// Each vertical annotation is expected to be x-scale typed `x`, string `text`,

   // and optional string `color` (e.g. "#4d2800")
     "name": "vAnnotations",
     "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
       "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data"},
     "transform": [
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  { "type": "formula", "field": "x", "expr": "datum.year" },
  { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "'v ' + datum.age_16_24+ ' ' + datum.year" },

       // expected item format `{"text": "...", "color": "#000", x: _ }`
       { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "datum.text || " },
       { "type": "formula", "field": "color", "expr": "datum.color || '#54595d'" }

// Each horizontal annotation is expected to be numeric `y`, string `text`,

   // and optional string `color` (e.g. "#4d2800")
     "name": "hAnnotations",
     "url": "tabular:///bls.gov/US Women's weekly earnings as a percent of men's by age, annual averages.tab",
       "format": {"type": "json", "property": "data"},
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  { "type": "formula", "field": "y", "expr": "datum.age_16_24" },
  { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "'v ' + datum.age_16_24+ ' ' + datum.year" },
       // expected item format `{"text": "...", "color": "#000", y: 0}`
       { "type": "formula", "field": "text", "expr": "datum.text || " },
       { "type": "formula", "field": "color", "expr": "datum.color || '#54595d'" }
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See or edit raw graph data.

Checking the JSON output

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See or edit raw graph data.
