Template:I18n month
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This templates allows to render the name of a month (specified through a number between 1 and 12) in the user's preferred language.
{{I18n month|1=|2=}}
Parameter | Description | Default | Status |
|1= |
Number (1-12) of the month. Short (like "Jan") and full (like "January") names are also supported. | empty | <translate> Required</translate> |
|2= |
Language code (only needs to be provided if the language shall be fixed and independent from the user's preferences) | Value of {{int:Lang}} | <translate> Optional</translate> |
|form= |
Allows specification of grammatical case for the month, for languages that use them. Possible cases:
Also partitive case (ptv), inessive case (ine), elative case (ela) and illative case (ill) cases are supported for Finnish language, in addition to nominative case and genitive case (gen). |
nom | <translate> Optional</translate> |
Code | Output | Notes |
{{I18n month|1}} | January | Month name in the language of the user |
{{I18n month|2|de}} | Februar | German version |
{{I18n month|3|fr}} {{I18n month|3|fr|form=gen}} |
mars mars |
Regular and genitive case in language that do not differentiate between them results in identical output |
{{I18n month|4|ru}} {{I18n month|4|ru|form=gen}} |
апрель апреля |
Regular and genitive case in language that use uses different cases |
{{I18n month|9}} {{I18n month|Sep}} {{I18n month|September}} |
September September September |
Alternative month specifications |
{{I18n month|6|pl|form=loc}} {{I18n month|6|cs|form=loc}} |
MediaWiki:June-loc/pl MediaWiki:June-loc/cs |
locative case |
{{I18n month|7|pl|form=ins}} {{I18n month|7|cs|form=ins}} |
MediaWiki:July-ins/pl MediaWiki:July-ins/cs |
instrumental case |
{{I18n month|5}} {{I18n month|5|fi|form=gen}} {{I18n month|5|cs|form=ins}} {{I18n month|5|pl|form=loc}} |
May toukokuun MediaWiki:May-ins/cs MediaWiki:May-loc/pl |
May uses different code than other months, beceause it has no separate short and long forms in English. |
Czech months in nominative, genitive, instrumental and locative cases
- leden, ledna, MediaWiki:January-ins/cs, MediaWiki:January-loc/cs
- únor, února, MediaWiki:February-ins/cs, MediaWiki:February-loc/cs
- březen, března, MediaWiki:March-ins/cs, MediaWiki:March-loc/cs
- duben, dubna, MediaWiki:April-ins/cs, MediaWiki:April-loc/cs
- květen, května, MediaWiki:May-ins/cs, MediaWiki:May-loc/cs
- červen, června, MediaWiki:June-ins/cs, MediaWiki:June-loc/cs
- červenec, července, MediaWiki:July-ins/cs, MediaWiki:July-loc/cs
- srpen, srpna, MediaWiki:August-ins/cs, MediaWiki:August-loc/cs
- září, září, MediaWiki:September-ins/cs, MediaWiki:September-loc/cs
- říjen, října, MediaWiki:October-ins/cs, MediaWiki:October-loc/cs
- listopad, listopadu, MediaWiki:November-ins/cs, MediaWiki:November-loc/cs
- prosinec, prosince, MediaWiki:December-ins/cs, MediaWiki:December-loc/cs
Polish months in nominative, genitive, instrumental and locative cases
- styczeń, stycznia, MediaWiki:January-ins/pl, MediaWiki:January-loc/pl
- luty, lutego, MediaWiki:February-ins/pl, MediaWiki:February-loc/pl
- marzec, marca, MediaWiki:March-ins/pl, MediaWiki:March-loc/pl
- kwiecień, kwietnia, MediaWiki:April-ins/pl, MediaWiki:April-loc/pl
- maj, maja, MediaWiki:May-ins/pl, MediaWiki:May-loc/pl
- czerwiec, czerwca, MediaWiki:June-ins/pl, MediaWiki:June-loc/pl
- lipiec, lipca, MediaWiki:July-ins/pl, MediaWiki:July-loc/pl
- sierpień, sierpnia, MediaWiki:August-ins/pl, MediaWiki:August-loc/pl
- wrzesień, września, MediaWiki:September-ins/pl, MediaWiki:September-loc/pl
- październik, października, MediaWiki:October-ins/pl, MediaWiki:October-loc/pl
- listopad, listopada, MediaWiki:November-ins/pl, MediaWiki:November-loc/pl
- grudzień, grudnia, MediaWiki:December-ins/pl, MediaWiki:December-loc/pl